San Diego Veterans for Peace on the subject of volunteerism: The life blood of our organization.
Volunteerism is, in most cultures, an activity that is imbedded into a concept of sharing. It brings significant benefits to society and seems to be a very natural way that people throughout the world display their caring and love for their fellow man.
For example, some years ago, the United Nations held a world summit in the Hague to discuss how volunteerism is manifested in the different cultures throughout the world. Here is what one African discussion group had to say regarding the subject:
“Whenever there is a funeral we work together. Women draw water, collect fire wood and collect maize flour from well wishers while the men dig the graves and bury the dead. We work together on community projects like molding bricks for a school.”
What a beautiful expression of love. It is the very essence of man’s love for his fellow man. I am absolutely astounded by the recent outpouring of help on the part of the San Diego Veterans for Peace “family”. Notice that I used the word “family” rather than chapter. That word jumped into my head immediately when thinking of the efforts of VFP. I’m sure it is the connection I am making with all the outstanding efforts that everyone has made under the umbrella of our “Campaign for Compassion” project.
Trust me, all of this humanitarian work will spill over into our efforts in the year 2012. To everyone at San Diego Veterans for Peace thank you and keep up the good work.