It’s Not So Pretty in Emerald City

Emerald City, to the casual observer, projects nothing but grace and splendor but hiding around the corners are unwelcome offenders. They sleep under overpasses and hide in doorways. They’re always on the move, not because they want to, but because they’re told to. Homeless veterans are the hardest to witness. We armed them and commanded…

Imagine if…

For a few brief moments, let’s suspend what happened in our country after 9/11 and think about how things could have been so completely different if our country had taken a different direction. Imagine if we had not entered into war with Iraq and Afghanistan how different our country and the world would be today.…

Dave Patterson, SDVFP

My Journey to Peace

My journey to Peace started when I was 13 years old. My older brother was in Vietnam in the Marine Corps, when my best friend’s older brother came home in a casket from there. The impact on my friend’s family was misery like I could have never imagined. I went to the funeral in the…

map of libya

Look at ‘Liberated’ Libya and Despair

Welcome to the new Libya, a country ‘liberated’ by NATO which now finds itself without the oil revenues which could make it rich, with no security, no stability and assassinations and corruption at unprecendented levels. Last Friday, the Economist magazine published a report about the implosion of Libya. My attention was caught by the pictures…

Americans United Against Attacking Syria

Pew Research center reports that by a 48% to 29% margin, more Americans oppose than support conducting military airstrikes against Syria. Even more decisive data comes from – a convenient tool for communicating with Congress. 96% of Americans who contacted congress through PopVox oppose The President’s Draft Legislation Authorizing Military Action in Syria.The above…