We, as members of the San Diego Veterans For Peace, denounce the ongoing instances of police violence against Black bodies and people of color, this time resulting in the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We also stand in opposition to the State of Minnesota’s and the Minneapolis police force’s militarized response to the right to protest.
As Veterans For Peace, we know that increased militarization in our communities will never bring peace. We know that peace is only achieved with a strong commitment to justice. As veterans who served in various wars, we know there is a connection between increasing racist violence in the United States and the massive indiscriminate killing of hundreds of thousands of people in other lands. Growing racism against black, brown and Muslim people in the United States is a reflection of the racism that justifies killing non-white people abroad. What we are seeing at home is merely a reflection of our policies overseas. In fact, we believe in “Peace At Home, Peace Abroad” and we know that escalating violence never solves problems.
Our nation’s consistent option for militarization and the use of deadly force when it is not needed—at home and abroad—is exactly why we find ourselves in this situation. It makes no sense to think more violence and trauma heaped upon the Minneapolis community will quell the unrest. The Governor has moved beyond using a militarized police force to using the military. He is relying on intimidation and fear to end this. The only thing that will quiet this storm is justice.
We stand as one with those who oppose violence and seek justice. We call on those in the Minnesota National Guard and those in other police forces and branches of the US military services to refuse to serve violent and racist interests.
Executive Committee
San Diego Veterans For Peace