Fall 2021 Climate Corner COP26 – IPCC6 Reports Earth Warms & Sea Level Rises

The October 31 to November 12 Glasgow, Scotland 26th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) received much more media coverage than an August report that provided up-to date-facts needed for the diplomats who met in Glasgow. In August, 234 scientists on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released their 6thAssessment Report. A contribution…


Winter 2020-2021 Climate Corner: Top of the World in Transition

Scientists from US Coast Guard Cutter Healy on NASA ICESCAPE Mission, July 2011: NASA/Katyryn Hansen. German Icebreaker Polarstern deliberately frozen in Arctic Ocean during 2019- 2020 MOSAIC scientific expedition. The facts and consequences of global climate crises are awesome, depressing, and frightening in human and planetary terms. Climate Corner reviews timely climate science and news…
