Policy/Procedure Category Topic Adopted Page
Collaboration and Coordination External Coalition and working with other groups 7/5/2023 1
Collaboration and Coordination External Endorsements by other organizations and groups 11/7/2023 1
Collaboration and Coordination External Endorsements of other organizations and groups 11/7/2023 2
Collaboration and Coordination External Representation on external committees and boards 11/7/2023 2
Communication Internal Chapter annual schedule 11/7/2023 2
Communication Internal Chapter social media account management and 11/7/2023 3
Communication Internal Minutes of Executive Committee meetings 11/7/2023 3
Communication Internal Minutes of General Membership meetings 11/7/2023 3
Communication Internal Monthly General Membership meetings 11/7/2023 4
Communication Internal Monthly meetings, schedule 11/7/2023 4
Communication Internal Vet List (Open Discussion) Email Group 9/5/2023 4
Communication Internal Voting Members Email Group (announcement 9/5/2023 5
email group, for announcements only)
Executive Committee Role Executive Committee meetings 11/7/2023 5
Executive Committee Role Fundraising 11/7/2023 6
Executive Committee Role Executive Committee member active participation 11/7/2023 6
and financial support expectations
Executive Committee Role General Membership review of Executive 11/7/2023 7
Committee decisions
Financial Confidentiality of donors 11/7/2023 7
Financial Conflict of interest 11/7/2023 8
Financial Gift Acceptance Guidelines 11/7/2023 9
Financial Insurance 11/7/2023 9
Financial Executive Committee authority to approve payments 11/7/2023 10
Financial Payment/reimbursement for meals, lodging, 11/7/2023 10
transportation and other expenses
Financial Compassion Campaign Operation Fund 11/7/2023 10
Financial Support for payments 11/7/2023 10
Financial Compassion Campaign Administrative Fund 11/7/2023 11
Financial Reimbursement to members 11/7/2023 11
Financial General Fund 11/7/2023 12
Organization Website, responsibility, operation and content 11/7/2023 13
Organization Designation of unelected offices 11/7/2023 13
Organization Chapter purposes 11/7/2023 14
Policy/Procedure Category Topic Adopted Page
Program Planning and Coordination Chapter nonviolence guidelines 7/5/2023 14
Program Planning and Coordination Compassion Campaign operation 11/7/2023 15
Program Planning and Coordination Chapter annual review of activity 11/7/2023 16
Communication External Communication and control of SDVFP’s message 7/5/2023 16
Collaboration and Coordination External
Topic: Coalition and working with other groups Date: 7/5/2023
Policy: SDVFP may form temporary coalitions with other organizations of like mind, subject to approval
by the Membership or the Executive Committee. We will not collaborate with organizations that
violate our commitments to nonviolence and to democratic processes, nor with organizations
that advocate for (or represent) totalitarian governments. While all Chapter members are
encouraged to identify possible allies, the Chapter president or his/her appointed representative
is responsible for formalizing relationships with other groups. The president shall periodically
report the status of all established relationships to the Executive Committee.
Procedure: (1) The president, after consulting with the Executive Committee, will appoint an Allies
Subcommittee of the Executive Committee at the beginning of each year. (2) The Allies
Subcommittee will initiate a review of an ally approval recommendation or an ally decision
if a review is requested by a current Chapter member. (3) The Allies Subcommittee will
evaluate the group’s congruence with SDVFP’s values and commitments, particularly
SDVFP’s commitments to nonviolence and establishment of a peaceful world using
democratic processes and institutions. (4) The Allies Subcommittee’s will report its findings
with a recommendation: (a) that the reviewed organization be approved as an ally/that the
ally decision be continued as approved; or (b) that the reviewed organization be approved
as an ally or continued as an ally, but with specific relationship changes/conditions; or (c)
that the reviewed organization not be approved as an ally/that the approved ally
relationship be terminated. (5) The Allies Subcommittee will submit its “confidential”
recommendation within one month of a review request to the Executive Committee. (6)
The Executive Committee will consider the report in a closed session in accordance with
Bylaws provision 11.5 and make a decision to accept or reject the recommendation of the
Allies Sub Committee. (7) If the Executive Committee votes to not establish or to
terminate or modify an established ally relationship with an organization, the Chapter
president will diplomatically share the decision with the potential or established ally.
Collaboration and Coordination External
Topic: Endorsements by other organizations and groups Date: 11/7/2023
Policy The Chapter president or his/her appointed representative is responsible for requesting
endorsement by other groups for any specific SDVFP program or event.
Procedure: (1) At the beginning of each year, the Executive Committee will identify, by resolution, any
representative(s) of the president that has authority to request endorsement by other
groups for any specific SDVFP program or event. (2) The president shall periodically
report to the Executive Committee on the status of all endorsements by other groups.
Collaboration and Coordination External
Topic: Endorsements of other organizations and groups Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The Executive Committee approves each SDVFP endorsement of other organizations and other
organization actions and events.
Procedure: (1) The president or his/her designated representative will request Executive Committee
approval of each Chapter endorsement of an organization or specific external organization
action and event. (2) The request for endorsement will identify how endorsement of a
specific organization, event or action relates to accomplishment of the Chapter’s purposes.
(3) If the endorsement request is approved by the Executive Committee, the president or
his/her designated representative will notify the external organization and the General
Collaboration and Coordination External
Topic: Representation on external committees and boards Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The Chapter intends to be actively associated with organizations associated with the Chapter’s
purposes and encourages formal Chapter representation on committees and governing bodies of
other organizations. If an external organization requests a Chapter representative, the Executive
Committee will appoint a specific current member to act as a Chapter representative.
Procedure: (1) If an external organization requests that the Chapter be represented on a committee of
governing body, the president shall request that the Executive Committee appoint a current
Chapter member as SDVFP’s designated representative for a specific period of time. (2)
The president will periodically report on the status of SDVFP representation on external
committees and boards.
Communication Internal
Topic: Chapter annual schedule Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: A current schedule of known and planned Chapter activities shall be maintained.
Procedure: (1) Responsibility for preparation and maintenance of the schedule will be established by
the Executive Committee. (2) The schedule will identify all planned events and regular
meetings for the current year, with the name(s) of identified leader(s) associated with each
event/meeting. (3) The schedule will be shared with all current members. (4) The
schedule will be updated and published periodically.
Communication Internal
Topic: Chapter social media account management and standards Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: To enhance but not to replace other methods of internal communication, the Chapter may
(optionally) maintain a social media account and use it in supplemental communication of
Chapter events and activities. If use of a social media account is permitted by the Executive
Committee, the Executive Committee will appoint a current member to coordinate use of the
account. The account is primarily for use by Chapter members.
Procedure: (1) The Chapter’s Executive Committee may authorize establishment and maintenance of a
social media account. (2) If it does authorize use of a social media account, at the
beginning of each year, the Executive Committee will appoint a social media account
coordinator. (3) If it does authorize use of a social media account, the Executive
Committee shall annually approve and publish guidelines regarding use of the account, to
include basic communication standards associated with use of the site. (4) While the site is
primarily for use of current members of the Chapter, the social media account coordinator
may authorize use by nonmembers. (5) The Executive Committee designated social media
account coordinator will have authority to suspend or terminate any account user that, in
the judgement of the social media account coordinator, does not comply with published
guidelines and standards. (6) If a user’s chapter membership ends, his/her use of the
Chapter’s social media account will be automatically terminated unless the person has
requested and been granted account access as a non-Chapter member. (7) The social
media account coordinator will act as the Chapter’s designated representative in all
coordination with any social media account established by the Chapter. (8) The social
media account coordinator will coordinate with the Chapter’s Website Coordinator, but
report to the Executive Committee.
Communication Internal
Topic: Minutes of Executive Committee meetings Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The president shall direct the secretary to record minutes of each Executive Committee meeting.
Procedure: (1) Minutes of each Executive Committee meeting will be distributed to Chapter members
at least three days before the next monthly General Membership meeting.
Communication Internal
Topic: Minutes of General Membership meetings Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The secretary of the Chapter shall draft written minutes of the meeting and then submit the draft
minutes to all attendees of the meeting, where possible, for confirmation and possible
correction. Finalized draft minutes of each General Membership meeting shall be distributed to
the general membership within one week of the next regular or special general membership
Procedure: Not applicable.
Communication Internal
Topic: Monthly General Membership meetings Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: Monthly meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday of every month, unless the Chapter votes to
hold a monthly meeting on a different day because of special circumstances.
Procedure: (1) Monthly meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday of every month, unless the
chapter votes to hold a monthly meeting on a different day because of special
circumstances. (2) The meeting agenda is to be distributed to all members. (3) The
presiding officer is the president of the Chapter. (4) In the absence of the president, any
officer shall preside. (5) Members are encouraged to participate by suggesting
topics/issues to be placed on the agenda. Pursuant to the bylaws, the president will publish
an agenda prior to each meeting. (6) The secretary of the Chapter shall record written
minutes of the meeting and submit the minutes to all participants for correction. And, then
to the president for approval of distribution to the general membership within one week of
each regular or special general membership meeting.
Communication Internal
Topic: Monthly meetings, schedule Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The Executive Committee shall publish and maintain a schedule of all regular meetings of the
Executive Committee and all established committees associated with the Chapter.
Procedure: Not applicable.
Communication Internal
Topic: Vet List (Open Discussion) Email Group Date: 9/5/2023
Policy: The Chapter will maintain a discussion email group for Chapter members and others to be used
for sharing information associated with veterans and SDVFP purposes and activities. The
Chapter’s Executive Committee will appoint a current Chapter member to act as the Chapter’s
Workspace Coordinator. All user additions, suspensions and deletions will be managed by the
Chapter’s Workspace Coordinator in accordance with procedures established with this policy.
Use of the “Vet List” email group includes user responsibility to voluntarily adhere to use
guidelines established by the Chapter with this policy.
Procedure: (1) Addition to the “Vet List”. A request to be added should be emailed to the Chapter’s
Workspace Coordinator at by the person requesting “Vet
List” email group membership. The request needs to include the email address to be
added to the “Vet List” discussion email group and the full name of the individual
requesting “Vet List” email group membership. The Workspace Coordinator is permitted to
use names and email addresses provided in management of the email group: names and
email addresses of “Vet List” email group members will not be shared with any other
organization. (2) Use guidelines for all communication using the “Vet List”: (a) share
content respectfully; (b) share content that educates and informs; (c) no profanity; (d) no
promotion of political candidates or religious point of view; (e) no personal attacks; (f) a
user can directly respond to another user using that user’s personal email address (and not
post his/her response for the whole email group). (3) Violation of use guidelines may
result in suspension or termination from the email group. Any suspension or termination can
be appealed.
Communication Internal
Topic: Voting Members Email Group (announcement email group, for Date: 9/5/2023
announcements only)
Policy: This announcement email group includes the Chapter’s voting members and is used exclusively
for announcements for Chapter members. Our Chapter’s members include “current” members of
VFP National that reside in San Diego County. We receive a list monthly from National that
includes email addresses and other contact detail. The “Voting Members” email group is used to
send announcements to all members about organizational activities (meeting dates and times;
meeting agendas and minutes; similar organization specific items for voting members).
Procedure: Additions to the “Voting Members” email group will be managed by the Chapter’s
Workspace Coordinator. A few may send announcements and Chapter specific documents
“to” the group: (a) the president, (b) the secretary, (c) the treasurer, (d) the Membership
Committee Chair, and (e) the Chapter’s Workspace Coordinator. This email group is for
announcements only, and not discussion of items.
Executive Committee Role
Topic: Executive Committee meetings Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The Executive Committee shall have those powers, duties and obligations enumerated in the
Bylaws and the date and time and place for each Executive Committee meeting will be published
in accordance with noticing requirements defined in the Chapter’s bylaws.
Procedure: (1) The Executive Committee shall have those powers, duties and obligations enumerated in
the Bylaws. (2) The Executive Committee is composed of the elected current year officers,
the Immediate Past President and elected At Large member(s) of the Executive Committee.
Unelected voting members of the Executive Committee include any SDVFP member who
holds an elected or appointed National VFP office or is the chairperson of any National VFP
committee. (3) Meetings of the Executive Committee are open to the General Membership,
with the exception that closed meetings may be held on matters involving personnel,
litigation, contractual negotiations, or similar matters on a recorded vote of the Executive
Committee. The president may invite certain members to advise and assist the board on
specific issues. (4) The president shall direct the Secretary to record minutes of the meeting.
(5) Minutes will be distributed to chapter members prior to the next monthly meeting. (6)
Decisions and recommendations made by the Executive Committee shall be presented at
the next general meeting for discussion and approval by the membership.
Executive Committee Role
Topic: Executive Committee member active participation and financial support Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: Elected members of the Executive Committee are expected to actively participate in planning and
coordination of Chapter activities. All Executive Committee members are asked to financially
support the Chapter.
Procedure: All members of the Executive Committee are expected to actively participate in the
Executive Committee’s duties: (1) To make proposals to establish SDVFP policies and
objectives; (2) To make necessary decisions between General Membership meetings of the
SDVFP; (3) To coordinate the activities of the SDVFP; (4) To propose the annual budget of
the SDVFP for approval on or before the first meeting of the calendar year; (5) To propose
the annual dues of the SDVFP, or the absence of local Chapter dues, for approval by the
General Membership. It is anticipated that each elected Executive Committee member,
each year, will assume responsibility for (act as “champion” for) at least one event or
Chapter action. Active leadership of or participation on at least one Chapter committee is
Executive Committee Role
Topic: Fundraising Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The Chapter may conduct fundraising from time to time to finance expenses associated with the
Chapter’s varied programs and activities approved in the Chapter’s annual budget adopted by the
General Membership.
Procedure: (1) Annually, in January, the Executive Committee may establish a Fundraising Committee
composed of at least three members, one of which will be a current Executive Committee
member. (2) The Fundraising Committee, if established, will report to the Executive
Committee and will be responsible for preparation and administration of all planned
fundraising plan activity associated with the General Fund and the Compassion Campaign.
(3) The Fundraising Committee will be responsible for preparation of a fundraising plan for
the current Fiscal Year and will submit the plan to the Executive Committee for approval by
the end of the first quarter (by/before March 31st). (4) The Fundraising plan will identify
fundraising goals by fund and by all methods to be used. (5) The treasurer will support
the Fundraising Committee’s activity by systematically reporting amounts received by each
method employed and by providing prospective donor detail that can be used in planned
solicitation of funds (name; mail address; email address, if known; telephone contact
detail, if known). (6) The treasurer will maintain a confidential donor database for use in
supporting Fundraising Committee’s activity.
Executive Committee Role
Topic: General Membership review of Executive Committee decisions Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The policy-making body of the SDVFP shall be the regular and special General Membership
meetings of members. Between General Membership meetings, the policy-making body of the
SDVFP shall be the SDVFP Executive Committee. Minutes of Executive Committee meetings shall
be distributed to all members prior to each General Membership meeting. A current member
may request review of any Executive Committee decision at a General Membership meeting.
Procedure: (1) Notices of Executive Committee meetings will be distributed in accordance with the
Chapter’s Bylaws to assure members can attend as observers; (2) Meetings of the Executive
Committee are open to the General Membership, with the exception that closed meetings
may be held on matters involving personnel, litigation, contractual negotiations, or similar
matters on a recorded vote of the Executive Committee. (3) Minutes from each Executive
Committee meeting will be distributed to all Chapter members for review before the next
scheduled General Membership meeting. (4) Any voting member may propose agenda
items for any regular General Membership meeting. (5) review of any specific Executive
Committee decision may be requested for addition to the proposed agenda for a General
Membership meeting.
Topic: Confidentiality of donors Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The names of donors and the amounts donated to the Chapter will be considered confidential,
with the exception that personal detail (but not contribution history) associated with donors may
selectively be used for planned fundraising activity authorized by the Executive Committee. The
treasurer will maintain a confidential database for the Chapter that identifies each donation and
identifies specific detail for each donor, to include name; mail address; email address, if
known; telephone contact detail, if known. The database will be used to support fundraising
activity and to periodically educate donors about Chapter accomplishments and programs.
Procedure: Not applicable.
Topic: Conflict of interest Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: To ensure that it continues to operate in accordance with its tax-exempt purpose, SDVFP intends
to avoid conflicts of interest. Executive Committee members and all members appointed to
unelected positions are expected to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the
conduct of their duties and responsibilities.
Procedure: (1) Definition: conflicts of interest arise from personal relationships or from a financial
interest. The purpose of this policy is to protect SDVFP’s interest when it is contemplating
entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of a
member of the Executive Committee or a member appointed to an unelected position. (2)
A member of the Executive Committee or any member appointed to an unelected position
must refrain from using his or her position for personal gain and must avoid acting on
issues in which his or her personal or financial interests could conflict with the interests of
SDVFP. (3) It is expected that each actual or potential conflict of interest situation will be
reported to the Executive Committee. (4) A direct conflict can arise where a person has a
personal or financial interest in any matter involving the Chapter or has a financial or
agency relationship (i.e., is a director, officer, manager, partner, associate, trustee or
similar agency relationship) with an entity involved in a transaction or other business with
the Chapter. (5) An indirect conflict can arise where a person related to an Executive
Committee member, or to a member appointed to an unelected position has dealings with
the Chapter. (6) Actual and potential conflict of interest situations must be reported to the
Executive Committee. (7) Notice. The Executive Committee shall periodically and at least
annually distribute this policy to each member of the Executive Committee and to each
member appointed to an unelected position. Distribution may be by email. (8) Annual
reporting. Annually, in January, each Executive Committee member and each Chapter
member appointed to an unelected position will be asked to report known conflict of
interest situations to the Executive Committee. (9) The secretary shall include reported
conflict of interest situations in the minutes for the January Executive Committee meeting.
(10) Situational reporting during the year. New conflict of interest situations not reported
during January shall be reported to the Executive Committee if/when they occur during the
year. (11) Documentation. All reported conflict of interest situations shall be documented
in the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting for the month when reported. (12)
Meeting protocol and abstention. In any Executive Committee meeting when a decision is
being made where a possible conflict of interest situation might apply, any Executive
Committee member that has or potentially might have a conflict of interest must abstain
from voting on the issue/decision. The minutes of the related Executive Committee
meeting shall reflect the reason for any abstention due to actual or potential conflict of
Topic: Gift Acceptance Guidelines Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: General Fund and Compassion Campaign contributions. The Chapter’s preference is unrestricted
contribution by check or by cash or by credit card (using the Chapter’s website at
“Donate to San Diego Veterans For Peace”). If a contribution to the General Fund is submitted
on a restricted basis, the Chapter requests that the restriction be identified in writing at the time
the contribution is submitted. (The Executive Committee may return any restricted contribution
received for a purpose not directly associated with the Chapter’s stated purposes.) Contributions
to the Compassion Campaign, by their nature, are for a restricted use (purchase of sleeping bags
and related accessories) and should be identified as such when submitted. While contributions
by check or cash or credit card are preferred, other alternatives are possible, but the Chapter
requests that use of any alternative form be approved in advance of the contribution. Possible
acceptable alternatives to contribution by check, cash and credit card include: (a) securities that
are immediately marketable; (b) life insurance where the Chapter owns the policy; (c) retirement
plan beneficiary designation (d) bequests of cash; and (e) life insurance beneficiary
designations. Generally, not acceptable are gifts of tangible personal property, except as
approved by the Executive Committee.
Procedure: (1) If a contribution is received on a restricted basis, the treasurer has authority to accept
the gift for the Chapter if the restricted use is associated with an expense included in the
Chapter’s adopted current year budget. (2) If the restricted use is not included in the
Chapter’s adopted current year budget, the treasurer will request an Executive Committee
decision to accept or to not accept the restricted contribution. (3) If the restricted
contribution is accepted, the treasurer will acknowledge the contribution. (4) If the
restricted contribution is not accepted, the treasurer will notify the donor with an
explanation. (5) If a donor notifies the Chapter that an alternative form of contribution will
apply (securities, etc.), the treasurer will obtain Executive Committee approval before
accepting the gift/contribution for the Chapter.
Topic: Insurance Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The Executive Committee will annually assess the Chapter’s need for various forms of insurance,
including liability insurance and Directors and Officers coverage for Executive Committee
members and all members appointed by the Executive Committee to serve in unelected
positions. The Executive Committee’s assessment and recommendations will be reviewed with
members at a regular General Membership meeting. Insurance expense recommended by the
Executive Committee will be budgeted, as needed.
Procedure: Not applicable.
Topic: Payment/reimbursement for meals, lodging, transportation and other Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: Typically, members will not be reimbursed for meals and transportation associated with
volunteer duties. Where transportation is necessary outside San Diego County for planned
activity approved in the Chapter’s General Fund budget, meals, lodging, transportation and other
expenses may be approved on an exception basis, and by a recorded vote of the Executive
Procedure: Not applicable.
Topic: Compassion Campaign Operation Fund Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The purpose of the Campaign for Compassion is to provide sleeping bags and related accessories
to homeless veterans and others in the San Diego community. Compassion Campaign
operation funds shall not be commingled with funds from any other SDVFP bank account.
Accounting reports will reflect all revenue and expenses associated with operation of the
Compassion Campaign.
Procedure: Not applicable.
Topic: Support for payments Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: Any disbursement from any SDVFP checking account will be associated with a source document
authorizing the specific expense. Appropriate authorizing documents include: (a) minutes from a
General Membership or Executive Committee meeting approving a specific disbursement; (b) a
copy of an invoice or receipt for an expense approved in the Chapter’s adopted budget; (c)
written approval from the president for any purchase using Compassion Campaign funds (for
sleeping bags and related accessories). The treasurer shall maintain a copy of the supporting
document with a copy of the associated check or debit payment. Support for each disbursement
shall be retained by the treasurer for three years. The Executive Committee may request to see
any retained disbursement record.
Procedure: Not applicable.
Topic: Executive Committee authority to approve payments Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The Executive Committee shall have authority to authorize payments not to exceed $300.00 for
any activity or event sponsored in whole or in part by SDVFP and/or to manage the affairs of the
Chapter between plenary sessions of the Chapter. The payment of funds shall be made by the
treasurer upon recorded majority vote approval of the Executive Committee. The general
membership must give prior approval for the expenditure of any General Funds for any expenses
or obligations to be incurred by the chapter for any activity or event sponsored in whole or in
part by SDVFP that exceeds $300.
Procedure: Not applicable.
Topic: Reimbursement to members Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: SDVFP is a nonprofit organization: members are expected to participate in activities and events
sponsored by SDVFP voluntarily and without expectation that they will be compensated by the
Chapter for their time and effort or for any personal expenses they may incur. Reimbursement
for expenses associated with an event or activity approved in the Chapter’s adopted current year
budget, however, may be approved by the designated event/activity champion or, situationally,
by the Executive Committee. All requests for reimbursement shall be submitted with an itemized
receipt. A designated event/activity champion for a budget element may approve a
reimbursement request for budgeted expenses up to $100. The Executive Committee will
approve any reimbursement request for budgeted expenses over $100 or any reimbursement
request submitted by a designated event/activity champion for expense associated with the
budget element he/she manages.
Procedure: (1) For a reimbursable expense associated with a budgeted event/activity, after approval by
the designated event/activity champion, a member’s request for reimbursement should be
submitted to the treasurer, with an itemized receipt. (2) The treasurer will process the
approved reimbursement payment and categorize the expense as an expense of the
associated/budgeted event or activity. (3) For a reimbursable expense not associated with a
designated event/activity champion, a member’s request for reimbursement should be
submitted directly to the treasurer with an itemized receipt. The treasurer will coordinate
Executive Committee consideration and approval or disapproval of the request. (4) If the
request is approved by the Executive Committee, the treasurer will process the approved
reimbursement payment and categorize the expense as directed by the Executive Committee.
Topic: Compassion Campaign Administrative Fund Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: This fund may only be used to defray the cost of administering the Compassion Campaign and
not for the purpose of purchasing sleeping bags or other items to be distributed.
Procedure: (1) The Administrative Fund for the Compassion Campaign was provided to SDVFP by an
anonymous donor, who specified the fund be used solely to defray the cost of
administering the Compassion Campaign and not for the purpose of purchasing sleeping
bags or other items to be distributed. The administrative costs include any and all
materials, mailing costs and incidental fees associated with the Compassion Campaign. A
receipt for monies donated for the Administrative Fund shall be generated for the donors
for tax purposes. (2) The Compassion Campaign Administrative Fund shall have its own
separate bank account and will not be commingled with funds from any other SDVFP bank
account. (3) If any issue arises as to whether a cost associated with the operation of the
Compassion Campaign should be deemed an administrative cost, the issue shall be referred
to the Administrative Fund Oversight Committee for resolution. The Oversight Committee
is made up of a designated agent, the president and the treasurer. (4) The Administrative
Fund shall not be used to reimburse any member for personal or incidental expenses the
member may incur while engaging in any activity or event sponsored in whole or in part by
Topic: General Fund Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The San Diego Veterans For Peace chapter is funded by dues, contributions and donations
received from members and non-members. All funds received shall be deposited in the General
Fund, unless specifically designated for the Campaign for Compassion or the Administrative Fund.
Procedure: (1) The San Diego Veterans For Peace chapter is funded by dues, contributions and
donations received from members and non-members. All funds received shall be deposited
in the General Fund, unless specifically designated for the Compassion Campaign
Operation Fund or for the Compassion Campaign Administrative Fund. All proceeds from
sale of merchandise, publications, or other materials at SDVFP authorized or sponsored
events shall be deposited in the General Fund (unless specifically designated otherwise). (2)
The SDVFP General Fund is used to pay all expenses, including all rentals and materials,
incurred in the day-to-day operation of the chapter as well as to fund any and all events and
activities that are sponsored in whole or in part by SDVFP, except the Campaign of
Compassion. (3) The General Fund shall have its own separate bank account. Funds in this
account shall not be co-mingled with funds from any other SDVFP bank account. (4)
Payment of obligations incurred by SDVFP, other than routine expenses, such as the rental
for the meeting room, shall only be incurred and paid for out of the General Fund, by the
following process: (a) The Executive Committee shall have authority to authorize payments
not to exceed $300, for any activity or event sponsored in whole or in part by SDVFP
and/or to manage the affairs of the Chapter between plenary sessions of the Chapter. The
payment of funds shall be made by the treasurer upon approval of the president as
provided in the by-laws. (b) The general membership must give prior approval for the
expenditure of any General Funds for any expenses or obligations to be incurred by the
chapter for any activity or event sponsored in whole or in part by SDVFP that exceeds
$300. The payment of funds shall be made by the treasurer upon approval of the president
as provided by the by-laws. No payment from the general fund will occur without
presenting to the treasurer receipts or other evidence that the expense is necessary.
Topic: Designation of unelected offices Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The Executive Committee will be responsible for formal establishment (and termination) of all
Chapter committees and programs. The Executive Committee is responsible for formal
appointment of members to serve as committee chairs or to act as the coordinator for a chapter
program. Annually, in January, the Executive Committee: (1) shall confirm the name and role
of each active committee, along with the identification of the appointed committee chair; and (2)
shall confirm the name of each member appointed to an unelected Chapter office (appointed as
the director of a program or appointed to represent the Chapter in any capacity other than as a
program coordinator.
Procedure: (1) Planned appointments. For any planned Executive Committee appointment of member
to serve in an unelected Chapter position (committee chair, director of a program, similar),
the appointment may be made only after the need for such appointment is announced to
all members in accordance with the Chapter’s meeting noticing requirements (per the
Chapter’s bylaws. (2) Unplanned appointments. An appointment when notice can not
occur in accordance with the bylaws may be made temporarily, subject to announcement
and reconsideration of the appointment at the next regular Executive Committee meeting.
(3) Establishment or termination of any committee shall be recorded in the minutes of the
Executive Committee meeting when the decision to establish or to terminate was made.
(4) All appointments to unelected Chapter positions, similarly, will be recorded in the
minutes of the Executive Committee meeting when the appointment occurred.
Topic: Website, responsibility, operation and content Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The Executive Committee may annually appoint the member accountable for coordination of
both content and operation of the Chapter’s website. The Website Coordinator may establish a
committee to assist with design and timely maintenance of the Chapter’s website. Website
design and maintenance expense will be addressed in the Chapter budget (recommended by the
Executive Committee for member consideration and adoption). The Website Coordinator shall
coordinate all website content and will coordinate with the Chapter member appointed to
coordinate any social media account the Chapter may establish. The Website Coordinator shall
report to the Executive Committee.
Procedure: Not applicable.
Topic: Chapter purposes Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: We, as members of the Chapter, hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of
world peace. To this end we will work, with others both nationally and internationally: (1) To
increase public awareness of the causes and costs of war (2) To restrain our governments from
intervening, overtly and covertly, in the internal affairs of other nations (3) To resist racism and
repression in our home communities (4) To oppose the militarization of law enforcement (5) To
end the arms race and to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons (6) To seek justice
for veterans and victims of war (7) To abolish war as an instrument of national policy. To
achieve these goals, members of Veterans For Peace pledge to use non-violent means and to
maintain an organization that is both democratic and open with the understanding that all
members are trusted to act in the best interests of the group for the larger purpose of world peace.
Procedure: Not applicable.
Program Planning and Coordination
Topic: Chapter nonviolence guidelines Date: 7/5/2023
Policy: SDVFP event and action participants will agree to and adhere to nonviolence guidelines that
reflect the organization commitment to nonviolent behavior.
Procedure: The designated champion for an event/action will be responsible for making sure that
event/action participants are informed of SDVFP goals for the event/action and SDVFP’s
commitment to nonviolence. All participants will be asked to comply with the following
nonviolence statement: In preparation for nonviolent presence today, I commit myself to:
(1) Refuse to engage in verbal abuse or physical violence. (2) Pledge not to bring or use
any drugs or alcohol other than for medical purposes. (3) Carry no weapons. (4) If injured
seek safety and disengage as is possible. (5) Maintain a spirit of openness, friendliness,
and respect toward all including authorities. (6) Share my message of peace with clarity
and conviction. (7) Listen with my heart fully present and alert. (8) Remain gentle, never
righteous, or hostile. (9) Keep in mind that transformation and conversion to peace must
begin with my own actions. (10) Sustain this discipline throughout all consequences. (11)
Follow the directions of the designated coordinators. (12) In the case of a serious
disagreement, I will remove myself from the action.
Program Planning and Coordination
Topic: Compassion Campaign operation Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The purpose of the Campaign for Compassion is to provide sleeping bags and related accessories
to homeless veterans and others in the San Diego community.
Procedure: (1) The purpose of the Compassion Campaign is to provide sleeping bags and related
accessories to homeless veterans and others in the San Diego community. (2) The
Compassion Campaign shall have a separate bank account. The funds in the account shall
not be commingled with funds from any other SDVFP bank account. The Compassion
Campaign will be a self-sustaining campaign. No money shall be transferred from any other
existing SDVFP bank account to support the Compassion Campaign. Purchases will be
made only when the bank account, dedicated to the Compassion Campaign, has sufficient
funds to pay for the purchase of sleeping bags and related accessories. (3) The Chapter’s
authorized Compassion Campaign Administrator, appointed by the Executive Committee,
shall only order sleeping bags and related accessories after receiving prior approval from
the treasurer and president. Approval will be given only if the chapter has the necessary
funds in the Compassion Campaign bank account to cover the purchases. The treasurer
shall certify that the Compassion Campaign’s dedicated account has sufficient funds to pay
for all expenditures related to the purchase. (4) This process for the purchase of sleeping
bags and other accessories shall be the sole and exclusive method by which the Chapter is
authorized to make purchases for the Compassion Campaign. Any member who voluntarily
purchases sleeping bags and other accessories should not expect to be reimbursed for
his/her contribution.
Program Planning and Coordination
Topic: Chapter annual review of activity Date: 11/7/2023
Policy: The Chapter will systematically review each Chapter program and activity every year. The
purpose of the review is to carefully look at each and to identify if it should be continued or not.
If continued, with what adjustments and improvements. If discontinued, how and when.
Procedure: (1) The Chapter’s Executive Committee will create a standing Program Review Committee
of at least three members, one of which will be a current Chapter officer. The Committee
will report to the Executive Committee. (2) This committee will assess each Chapter
program and activity associated with the Chapter’s annual budget. (Examples include No
MAS, Arlington West, Pride parade, Earth week outreach, Hiroshima and Nagasaki day,
Compassion Campaign, etc.) (3) All Chapter programs and budgeted activities will be
assessed for: (a) compatibility with Chapter purposes; (b) degree of member support
(typical number of members that attend/participate; (c) trending of
attendance/participation; (d) minimum number of members needed in attendance; (e) Cost
in dollars; (f) effectiveness in mission; (g) sustainability over the next three years. Note
that the number of members in attendance may indicate loss of interest, or members
physical inability to participate. Minimum numbers needed can be sought from the
program champion(s). (4) A survey of members should not be used to make judgements
because a program that is frequently lacking in attendance may still be quite popular but
unsustainable. (5) The committee will create a report showing all data used and include a
recommendation to the Executive Committee to continue a program or discontinue a
program, increase, or reduce spending, or perhaps to reassign resources to a program that
is more applicable or carries more interest from the membership. The Executive
Committee will agree or disagree with each recommendation and send the report to the
membership. The results of the review and the recommendation to the membership will
be voted on by the membership, in whole or piecemeal regarding continuation, elimination or
changes in spending.
Communication External
Topic: Communication and control of SDVFP’s message Date: 7/5/2023
Policy: Responsibility for communication of SDVFP’s message for a specific SDVFP event/action will be
coordinated by the Chapter’s Communications Director and the designated event Champion.
Procedure: (1) The Executive Committee shall appoint a Communications Director at the beginning of
each year. (2) For each SDVFP event, the Communications Director will create a SDVFP
message for the public and press. He/she will do so in coordination with the Chapter
President and the event champion. (3) The President will designate a press liaison for each
event. Media associated with organizations that advocate for (or represent) totalitarian
governments will not be invited to any SDVFP event. (4) The event Champion will provide
all participants a copy of the SDVFP message of the day associated with an event. (5) VFP
members will also be reminded that they have the right to speak to the press on behalf of
themselves as well per VFP’s Code of Conduct; (6) We will speak as members of VFP but
not for VFP, unless designated as a spokesperson for VFP. All members are free to speak
for themselves. (7) The event Champion will inform non-VFP guests of our goals and
credo. We will ask all event participants to be nonviolent, committed to world peace in a
democratic manner and to support event goals. (8) We will ask non-VFP guests to agree to
take instructions from the designated VFP event champion. The designated event champion
may decide that any individual or group must be asked to leave.